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As those of you frequently checking the new website know, this past week WAVES hosted 15 visitors and volunteers from the Global Learning Collaborative (GLC), a high school in New York City.  I am most impressed with the student’s willingness to help, even when they were not asked or prompted.

For example, when we were at Punta Balcones in Negritos, the most occidental or western point in South America, an impromptu beach clean-up resulted.  After seeing the Sea Lions and Pink Flamingos, a number of students grabbed some plastic bottles and took them on the bus with us so they could be disposed of properly (and hopefully recycled).  Way to leave the place a bit nicer than how you found it!

Another impressive moment for the group was at the Movie Night held at the Fisherman’s Union building.  A snack was being served during the movie and it only took handing out the popcorn and purple corn juice (chicha morada) to a couple people before the students realized what was happening and jumped in to help serve everyone present.  Very nice of them to lend a hand…

To me, these seemingly small acts of kindness are strong examples of World Class Travelers!  Thanks GLC.

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